Find Your Perfect Match With Encon Staffing

Our team of experienced recruiters are committed to finding the best candidates for our clients in a range of sectors, from construction and cleaning to protective coating and healthcare. Get in touch today, and let us find you the perfect match!

Get the Right People for the Job.

Whether you're looking for construction workers, cleaners, protective coating specialists, or healthcare staff, our team at Encon Staffing will help you find the perfect fit. We make sure that we stay in touch with you to ensure that your needs are met and that you make the right decisions when it comes to hiring.

Bespoke recruitment solutions for your business.

Get the perfect fit for your organisation with bespoke recruitment solutions tailored to your individual needs and requirements. With Encon Staffing, you’ll get access to a wide range of sectors, from construction recruitment, cleaning recruitment, protective coating recruitment, and healthcare recruitment. Rely on us to stay in touch to make sure we can meet your needs as your recruitment partner.

Recruit with ease.

Find the perfect matches for your team quickly and easily. With Encon Staffing, you can find a wide range of quality candidates in just a few clicks—from construction recruitment to healthcare and specialist care recruitment. We’re here to stay in touch with you to help ensure that you get the right people for your job.

Find the perfect job, whatever your needs.

No matter if you’re looking for a temporary or permanent job, Encon Staffing has the perfect opportunity for you. Our team of expert recruiters can help match you with jobs in a range of sectors, such as construction, cleaning, protective coating and healthcare. And we stay in touch with you to make sure your needs are met every step of the way.

Our Experience

Customer satisfaction and quality is our top priority.

At our company, quality and customer satisfaction are integral to our recruitment process. We strive to provide a positive experience for our clients throughout the recruitment process.


Years Experience


Clients Helped


Client Satisfaction


Positions Filled

Get the right candidate for your business quickly and efficiently.

Our approach involves collaborating closely with our clients to ensure that their requirements are met promptly, whilst ensuring that we deliver high-quality labour that exceeds their expectations.